ul. Beli Bartoka 11, 02-785 Warszawa , MZ , Warsaw, Polen
Od ponad 20 lat jesteśmy jednym z największych dystrybutorów akcesoriów rowerowych w Polsce, w naszym portfolio znajdziesz produkty kilkunastu uznanych światowych marek.
RRmoto - Największy sklep motocyklowy w Warszawie! Na miejscu znajdziesz certyfikowane kaski motocyklowe i odzież motocyklową oraz akcesoria. Na miejscu czeka na Ciebie ekipa z ogromnym doświadczeniem. Ponad 1000 kasków do wyboru na miejscu. Pełne rozmiary kasków i odzieży motocyklowej.
«Me & My wife got to Bikeman to purchase a Burley bike trailer for our son. As we're Tourists in Poland - I had to perform initial enquiry via Email. The service was professional and welcoming.
They've reserved a correct color trailer that waited for us when we got to the stores.
In addition they helped with making changes to Trailer packaging to help us thru the customs and were fair enough to take care our VAT refund by remote (In Poland we couldn't claim the VAT at the airport, so we had to send a signed form back to the store via post) and the customer service took care of the refund to our credit card.
Overall - good team, nice product range and great customer service all around.
Will recommend warmly to my fellow riders that are getting to Poland.
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