Farroupilha / the bike can be left inside

This is the list of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, libraries and other facilities that are marked on the Farroupilha map, and where you are allowed to come in with your bike.


Nearest bike-related points

Guenoa Apetrechos (16466 m)

 (54) 3213-5131
Rua Flora Magnabosco 351, Caxias do Sul, RS 95097-460, BR, Caxias do Sul, Brazil
  • Bike Shop
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Guenoa Apetrechos (16466 m)

 (54) 3213-5131
Rua Flora Magnabosco 351, Caxias do Sul, RS, 95097-460, BR, Caxias do Sul, Brazil
  • Bike Shop
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Cleiton V Minussi (16570 m)

 (54) 3701-2310
Rua Henry Hugo Dreher 204, Bento Gonçalves, RS, 95700-000, BR, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil
  • Bike Shop
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Cleiton V Minussi (16601 m)

 (54) 3701-2310
Rua Henry Hugo Dreher 204, Bento Gonçalves, RS 95700-000, BR, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil
  • Bike Shop
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Schenato Bicicletas (16655 m)

Rua Florianopólis 382, Bento Gonçalves, RS, 95700-000, BR, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil
  • Bike Shop
Aluguel de Bikes em Bento Gonçalves - Faça sua reserva online
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Schenato Bicicletas (16670 m)

Rua Florianópolis 382 Bento Gonçalves, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil
  • Bike Shop
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