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302 m
DIEGO CAVALCANTI ARAUJO 06784005392, FORTALEZA, CE, 60740-470, BR, Fortaleza, Brazil
1306 m
RUA EDUARDO PERDIGAO 137, FORTALEZA, CE, 60720-110, BR, Fortaleza, Brazil
1473 m
JOSE DIAS PAZ DA SILVA, FORTALEZA, CE, 60720-110, BR, Fortaleza, Brazil
5768 m
Av. Mister Hull, 5142, FORTALEZA, CE, 60356-682, BR, Fortaleza, Brazil
6028 m
ALVARO TIMBO MOURAO, FORTALEZA, CE, 60030-100, BR, Fortaleza, Brazil
6062 m
RUA SAO PAULO 419, FORTALEZA, CE, 60030-100, BR, Fortaleza, Brazil
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