São Mateus do Sul / the bike can be left inside
This is the list of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, libraries and other facilities that are marked on the São Mateus do Sul map, and where you are allowed to come in with your bike.
Nearest bike-related points
2634 m
(42) 3532-2521
R. Ulisses Faria 1121 São Mateus do Sul - PR 83900-000 Brazil, São Mateus do Sul, Brazil
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33712 m
(49) 36223605
Rua Major Vieira 569, Canoinhas, SC, 89460-000, BR, Canoinhas, Brazil
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34264 m
52901 m
(42) 3422-2119
Av. Doutor Vicente Machado 226 Irati - PR 84500-000 Brazil, Irati, Brazil
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63868 m
(47) 36422722
Rua Felipe Schimidt 1030, Mafra, SC, 89300-000, BR, Mafra, Brazil
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74528 m