Escuela de Surf Arica

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Arica weather is perfect for riding a bike accros valleys and beaches.
you can rent a bike with safety kit or book a bike tour that includes the bike and the guide.
our bikes are equipated
*Delivered to your hotel
*cheap rates!
*24hrs hotline
*clean and reliable bikes
*No hidden charges
*family owned & operated
In our place you can also find, Surf lesson, yoga lessons, snack and beverage store.

Arica posee un clima ideal todo el año para recorrer valles y playas a dos ruedas.
Puedes arrendar una bicicleta o bien reservar un tour en bici con guía incluido

El arriendo de bicicletas y BikeTours incluyen casco, cadena de seguridad, mapa y botella de agua mineral.

Los requisitos de reserva son: Presentar documento de identidad.

escuela de surf arica
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Update date:
March 31, 2018, 1:40 a.m.
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Diego Portales 1363 Arica

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Diego Portales 1363 Arica, Arica, Chile

  • Bike Shop