Chengdu / the bike can be left inside

This is the list of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, libraries and other facilities that are marked on the Chengdu map, and where you are allowed to come in with your bike.


Nearest bike-related points

成都中京体育文化传播有限公司 (6021 m)

四川省成都市青羊区贝森北路1号西村大院五号楼213-1, chengdu, 610036, Chengdu, China
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广汉三鑫自行车车行 (39058 m)

四川省广汉市湘潭路湘潭市场(浏阳路下穿隧道右侧15米), 钟涛/黄琴, Guanghan, Deyang, China
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绵阳城区极端车行 (108818 m)

四川省绵阳市涪城区三鹏广场(兴宏国际河堤绿道花园旁)滨, mianyang, Mianyang, China
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