Bobenheim-Roxheim / Cycling infrastructure

This is the list of different kinds of places which are useful for cyclists that are marked on the Bobenheim-Roxheim map: parks, regular meeting places, sport centers, free WiFi cafes and zones, workshops that can customize a bicycle, free toilets and so on.

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Nearest bike-related points

Thomas Görtz (162 m)

 06239 1090
Georgenstr. 32 67240 Bobenheim-Roxheim Germany, Bobenheim-Roxheim, Germany
  • Bike Shop
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E-motion Technologies Worms (4565 m)

Hagenstrasse 42, Worms, 67547, DE, Worms, Germany
  • Bike Shop
Erleben Sie die größte e-Bike und Pedelec Markenvielfalt ✔ Kompetente Beratung & kostenlose Probefahrten in Worms ✔ Jetzt Termin vereinbaren!
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e-motion e-Bike Welt Worms (4568 m)

Hagenstr. 42, 67547 Worms , Worms, Germany
  • Bike Shop
Erleben Sie die größte e-Bike und Pedelec Markenvielfalt ✔ Kompetente Beratung & kostenlose Probefahrten in Worms ✔ Jetzt Termin vereinbaren!
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Lothar Röding (4629 m)

 06241 23626
Kranzbühlerstr. 3 67547 Worms Germany, Worms, Germany
  • Bike Shop
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Rad u. Technik (5344 m)

 06241 946120
Mainzer Str. 1 67547 Worms Germany, Worms, Germany
  • Bike Shop
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B.O.C. (6886 m)

 0621 43080020
Frankenthaler Str. 131 68307 Mannheim Germany, Mannheim, Germany
  • Bike Shop
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