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650 m
Crailsheimer Str. 14 91555 Feuchtwangen Germany, Feuchtwangen, Germany
7964 m
Stelzenbach 4 91625 Schnelldorf Germany, Dinkelsbühl, Germany
11274 m
WASSERTRUEDINGER STRASS 14, DINKELSBUEHL, 09, 91550, DE, Dinkelsbühl, Germany
15315 m
Fichtenweg 18 91572 Bechhofen Germany, Herrieden, Germany
16765 m
Bahnhofstr. 28B 91634 Wilburgstetten Germany, Dinkelsbühl, Germany
17411 m
Am Mühlbach 12 91725 Ehingen Germany, Ehingen, Germany
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