Feliz / Bike-related points

Do you know where to repair your bike nearby? Or which stores are next to bike racks or lots?Not sure what style of bike you want and where to buy it? Where is your city cycling club and how to meet cyclists in your area? На карте города Feliz отображаются велостоянки, спортивные магазины, велосервисы, точки проката велосипедов и велоклубы, а также другие полезные как начинающему, так и профессиональному райдеру места.

Hunoff Bike Store

R Fernando Ferrari 310, Feliz, Feliz, Brazil
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Nearest bike-related points

Street Bike (18378 m)

 (49) 84016025
Avenida Licinio De Cordova 839/ Sala 02, Chapecó, SC, 89803-211, BR, Chapecó, Brazil
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Ciclone Bicicletas (18732 m)

 (49) 3322.3366
Rua Marechal Deodoro 163, D, Chapecó, SC 89801-060, BR, Chapecó, Brazil
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Ciclone Bicicletas (18732 m)

 (49) 33223366
Rua Marechal Deodoro 163, Chapecó, SC, 89802-140, BR, Chapecó, Brazil
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 (49) 3025-2545
AV. GETULIO DORNELES VARGAS, 1801 - N - Sala 02, CHAPECO, 89805186, Chapecó, Brazil
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Kbikes (19519 m)

Av Porto Alegre D 529, Chapeco, Chapecó, Brazil
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Revisão Geral em Bicicletas Multimarcas; Montagem de Bicicletas; Loja Especializada em equipamentos para ciclistas. 0Carrinho vazioCategorias:Bicicletas (20)MTB (12)Urbano/Conforto (1)InfantilJuvenil (1)BMX/Freestyle (2)Speed (4)DobráveisMotorizadas/ElétricasCustomizadasComponentes e Peças (30)Rodas/Aros e Freios (10)Câmaras de arRodas/ArosCubos (2)Pastilhas de freio, refis e sapatasFreiosPneus (8)Raios e niplesTransmissão (16)Alavancas / PassadoresCorrentes (3)Câmbios traseiros (2)Câmbios dianteiros (3)Cassete (7)EngrenagensGrupos Speed e MTBGuias e extensores de correntePedivelas (1)Diversos.... Revisão Geral em Bicicletas …
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K2 Industria (19567 m)

 (49) 33237314
Rua Marechal Dedoro 320, Chapecó, SC, 89802-140, BR, Chapecó, Brazil
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Giro Bike (19616 m)

 (49) 33282800
Rua Quintino Bocaiuva 185, Chapecó, SC, 89802-250, BR, Chapecó, Brazil
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RUA VITORIO CELLA - E 129, SALA 2, CHAPECO, SC, 89803-020, BR, Chapecó, Brazil
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Alfeu (31313 m)

 (49) 33532490/ 99142143
Rua Andre Lunardi 1115, Xaxim, SC, 89825-000, BR, Xaxim, Brazil
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Momoli (31341 m)

 (49) 33532371
Rua Andre Lunardi 1135, Xaxim, SC, 89825-000, BR, Xaxim, Brazil
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