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Mikkeli / Cycling infrastructure

This is the list of different kinds of places which are useful for cyclists that are marked on the Mikkeli map: parks, regular meeting places, sport centers, free WiFi cafes and zones, workshops that can customize a bicycle, free toilets and so on.

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Nearest bike-related points

Suomen Pyöräpuoti (137 m)

 015 210 555
Savilahdenkatu 10 50100 Mikkeli Finland, Mikkeli, Finland
  • Bike Shop
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RM-Wauhtipyörä (207 m)

Raatihuoneenkatu 7, MIKKELI, 50100, Mikkeli, Finland
  • Bike Shop
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Savon Trading (309 m)

 040 735 0141
Vuorikatu 3 50100 Mikkeli Finland, Mikkeli, Finland
  • Bike Shop
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Hessun Pyörähuolto (427 m)

 015 163 670
Savilahdenkatu 19 50100 Mikkeli Finland, Mikkeli, Finland
  • Bike Shop
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Polkupyörä Etappi (1203 m)

 015 162 257
Selännekatu 49 50100 Mikkeli Finland, Mikkeli, Finland
  • Bike Shop
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Sepon Fillaripiste (1820 m)

 050 403 5218
Pyynkatu 1 50190 Mikkeli Finland, Mikkeli, Finland
  • Bike Shop
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