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Frauenfeld / the bike can be left inside

This is the list of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, libraries and other facilities that are marked on the Frauenfeld map, and where you are allowed to come in with your bike.


Nearest bike-related points

Pedalerie GmbH (307 m)

Schlossmuehlestrasse 9, Frauenfeld, 8500, CH, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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Bike Shop Knobel (911 m)

 +41-052 7300920
Zürcherstrasse 268, Frauenfeld, 8500, Hilzingen, Germany
  • Bike Shop
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M-Way Shop Frauenfeld (1434 m)

Zürcherstrasse 305, Frauenfeld, 8500, CH, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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Sport Box (2118 m)

 052 721 33 33
Messenriet 16, Frauenfeld, Schweiz, 8500, CH, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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Train Station 55 (2790 m)

Hohliberg 2 Frauenfeld, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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2-Rad-Center Edi Kägi Gmbh (7622 m)

 +41-052 3641715
Vordergasse 16, Elgg, 8353, Hilzingen, Germany
  • Bike Shop
  • Repair
  • Rental
Velo, Fahrrad, Assos, Trek, Kindervelo, Velohelm, Edi kaegi, Schuh, Bonträger, Velo Occasionen, Fahrrad Occasionen, Shimano, Velo Vermietung, Fahrrad Vermietung, Campagnolo, Laufrad puky, E-Bikes, Diamant, Kinderanhänger von Chariot, unterwegs, Testbikes,Velobörse, Fahrradbekleidung, Fox Federgabel, Fahrradwerkstatt, Vetowerkstatt, Rennrad, 2-Rad, 2-Radsport, Velotreking,
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