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Frauenfeld / Cycling infrastructure

This is the list of different kinds of places which are useful for cyclists that are marked on the Frauenfeld map: parks, regular meeting places, sport centers, free WiFi cafes and zones, workshops that can customize a bicycle, free toilets and so on.

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Nearest bike-related points

Pedalerie GmbH (307 m)

Schlossmuehlestrasse 9, Frauenfeld, 8500, CH, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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Bike Shop Knobel (911 m)

 +41-052 7300920
Zürcherstrasse 268, Frauenfeld, 8500, Hilzingen, Germany
  • Bike Shop
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M-Way Shop Frauenfeld (1434 m)

Zürcherstrasse 305, Frauenfeld, 8500, CH, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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Sport Box (2118 m)

 052 721 33 33
Messenriet 16, Frauenfeld, Schweiz, 8500, CH, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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Train Station 55 (2790 m)

Hohliberg 2 Frauenfeld, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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2-Rad-Center Edi Kägi Gmbh (7622 m)

 +41-052 3641715
Vordergasse 16, Elgg, 8353, Hilzingen, Germany
  • Bike Shop
  • Repair
  • Rental
Velo, Fahrrad, Assos, Trek, Kindervelo, Velohelm, Edi kaegi, Schuh, Bonträger, Velo Occasionen, Fahrrad Occasionen, Shimano, Velo Vermietung, Fahrrad Vermietung, Campagnolo, Laufrad puky, E-Bikes, Diamant, Kinderanhänger von Chariot, unterwegs, Testbikes,Velobörse, Fahrradbekleidung, Fox Federgabel, Fahrradwerkstatt, Vetowerkstatt, Rennrad, 2-Rad, 2-Radsport, Velotreking,
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