Fushimi-ku / the bike can be left inside
This is the list of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, libraries and other facilities that are marked on the Fushimi-ku map, and where you are allowed to come in with your bike.
Nearest bike-related points
489 m
1047 m
伏見区深草紺屋町4, 京都市, 26, 612-0087, JP, Fushimi-ku, Japan
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5196 m
5256 m
5624 m
075 354 3636
油小路通 塩小路下る東油小路町552-13 京都市 下京区, 京都府 〒600-8235 Japan, Kyoto, Japan
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5650 m
075 955 7177
神足1丁目229-2 JR長岡京駅店 Nagaokakyo, 京都府 〒617-0833 Japan, Nagaokakyō-shi, Japan
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