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510 m
Mr. Rainier Menoud, Route de Belfaux 13, Givisiez, 1762, Givisiez, Switzerland
1395 m
Route du Jura 41, Fribourg, 1700, CH, Fribourg, Switzerland
5011 m
Route de Chésalles 47 1723 Marly Switzerland, Marly, France
6084 m
Impasse de la Colline 3, Avry-sur-Matran, 1754, La Tour-de-Trême, Switzerland
10138 m
F. X. Müllerstr. 14 Schmitten, Schmitten, Switzerland
10341 m
Chemin de la Voie Ferrée 3 Avenches, Avenches, Switzerland
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