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601 m
Piazza Ungheria 1, Giarre (CT), 95014, IT, Giarre, Italy
1354 m
Viale Don Luigi Sturzo 48 95014 Giarre Italy, Giarre, Italy
11435 m
Via Recanati 26 98035 Giardini Naxos Italy, Giardini-Naxos, Italy
19319 m
Via della Regione, 106/b, S. Giovanni la Punta (CT), 95037, IT, San Giovanni la Punta, Italy
23414 m
Via De Caro 83 via De Caro 56 95100 Catania Italy, Catania, Italy
31728 m
Via Enrico Fermi 92, 95031 Adrano , CT , Adrano, Italy
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