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1063 m
VIALE SAN LAZZARO, 25, VICENZA, 36100, Albignasego, Italy
1254 m
Corso Antonio Fogazzaro 16 36100 Vicenza Italy, Vicenza, Italy
2710 m
Viale Trieste 151/153, Vicenza, 36100, IT, Vicenza, Italy
4489 m
Via Camisana 36-38, Torri do Quartesolo (VI), 36040, IT, Vicenza, Italy
4596 m
Via Ponte del Marchese 34, 36030 Rettorgole di Caldogno , VI , Caldogno-Rettorgole-Cresole, Italy
7168 m
VIA TIEPOLO 29/A, SOVIZZO (VI), VI, 36050, IT, Sovizzo, Italy
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