Matsumoto / the bike can be left inside
This is the list of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, libraries and other facilities that are marked on the Matsumoto map, and where you are allowed to come in with your bike.
Nearest bike-related points
1843 m
2257 m
南松本, 松本市, 20, 390-0832, JP, Matsumoto, Japan
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2331 m
長野県松本市新橋6-16, LIFE STYLE MARKET内, Matsumoto, Japan
BIKE RANCHは長野県松本市で元シドニー五輪選手鈴木雷太が運営するスポーツバイク専門店です。ロードバイク、マウンテンバイク、クロスバイクの取り扱い、メンテナンスも承ります。
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9585 m
14029 m
25857 m