Saltillo / Cycling infrastructure

This is the list of different kinds of places which are useful for cyclists that are marked on the Saltillo map: parks, regular meeting places, sport centers, free WiFi cafes and zones, workshops that can customize a bicycle, free toilets and so on.

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Nearest bike-related points

Scott Saltillo (4170 m)

BLVD. VENUSTIANO CARRANZA 594 Saltillo, Saltillo, Mexico
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VeloCup (6961 m)

 844 485 0025
Boulevard Colosio 1834 Colonia San Patricio Saltillo, Coahulia, 25204 Saltillo , Coahuila , Saltillo, Mexico
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Giant Store Norte (68474 m)

Calzada del Valle Alberto Santos 205. Col. Del Valle, 66220 Monterrey , Nuevo Leon , San Pedro Garza Garcia, Mexico
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Velo Giant Store (68496 m)

Calzada del valle 205 pte, Colonia del valle, San Pedro Garza Garcia NL, 66220 Nuevo Leon , Monterrey , San Pedro Garza Garcia, Mexico
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Ruta87 (68911 m)

Av Manuel gomez morin 1105 San Pedro Garza Garcia, San Pedro Garza Garcia, Mexico
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Pro Paco Serrano (69813 m)

Ave de la industria #330b, colonia veredalta San pedro Garza Garcia, 66270 Nuevo Leon , Monterrey , San Pedro Garza Garcia, Mexico
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