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Winterthur / Bike-related points

Do you know where to repair your bike nearby? Or which stores are next to bike racks or lots?Not sure what style of bike you want and where to buy it? Where is your city cycling club and how to meet cyclists in your area? The city map Winterthur displays bicycle racks and lots, bike-rental services, repair centers, sporting goods stores, and cycling clubs, as well as other places useful to both beginner and professional riders.


 052 212 69 11
Turmhaldenstrasse 6 8400 Winterthur Switzerland, Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
  • Repair
  • Rental
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Akeret Velos + Motos

 052 213 19 59
General-Guisan-Strasse 7 8400 Winterthur Switzerland, Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
  • Repair
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Bike Corner

 052 212 43 63
Wartstrasse 44 8400 Winterthur Switzerland, Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
  • Repair
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Purista Bikes Oscar Zellweger

 078 900 96 84
Lagerplatz 12 8400 Winterthur Switzerland, Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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Bike Doc Kessler

Wieshofstrasse 42 B, Winterthur, 8408, CH, Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
bikdoc Velowerkstatt in Wuelflingen. Wir bieten erstklassige Bikes und Fahrraeder sowie exzellenten Reparaturservice.
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Total Sport GmbH

Bleichestrasse 32 Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
b'Dein Sportshop in Winterthur. Seit \xc3\xbcber 25 Jahren Erfahrung im Wintersport und Bikesport. Grosse Auswahl - fachkundiges Personal - faire Preispolitik'
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Transa Backpacking AG

Zürcherstrasse 7 / Pionierpark Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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Velo Mohr

 052 222 80 81
Ackeretstrasse 2, 8400 Winterthur , ZH , Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
Velo Motos H. Mohr, Ackeretstrasse2, 8400 Winterthur - Zwei-Rad Fachgeschäft
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Pedrett's Sport

 052 233 67 88
Stegackerstrasse 5, 8409 Winterthur , ZH , Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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Bike World Winterthur

 052 303 44 20
Zürcherstrasse 1 + 3, 8400 Winterthur , ZH , Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
Grösste Auswahl an Bike-Marken der Schweiz, riesiges Zubehör- und Bekleidungs-Sortiment und Experten-Beratung. Entdecken Sie Bike World by SportXX, den Velo-Fachhändler der Schweiz!
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 052 202 16 30
Lagerplatz 2, Winterthur, Schweiz, 8400, CH, Winterthur, Switzerland
  • Bike Shop
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