Dingzhou / the bike can be left inside

This is the list of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, libraries and other facilities that are marked on the Dingzhou map, and where you are allowed to come in with your bike.


Nearest bike-related points

大正车行 (39569 m)

石家庄市中山东路342-8号, 石家庄市, 河北省 , CN, Shijiazhuang Shi, China
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大正名车行 (41483 m)

石家庄市翟营南大街50号和平大厦一层, 石家庄市, 河北省 , CN, Shijiazhuang Shi, China
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石家庄市桥东区润捷车行 (43401 m)

石家庄槐安东路1号路北华夏商务酒店正门西侧, 宋韶平/翟志红, SHIJAZHUANG, Shijiazhuang Shi, China
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衡水市桃城区帅克自行车商行 (65716 m)

河北省衡水市桃城区中心大街(和平路口南100米路西), HENGSHUI, Hengshui, China
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快乐假日单车 (73890 m)

保定市高碑店市幸福路小学对过, 保定市, 河北省 , CN, Baoding, China
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