Phường 4 / Cycling infrastructure

This is the list of different kinds of places which are useful for cyclists that are marked on the Phường 4 map: parks, regular meeting places, sport centers, free WiFi cafes and zones, workshops that can customize a bicycle, free toilets and so on.

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Nearest bike-related points

TREK碧云路旗舰店 (7513 m)

上海市浦东新区碧云路168-172号, 碧云国际社区,碧云路白桦路路口, Shanghai, China
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上海铁人俱乐部 (7768 m)

浦东新区兰花路241号, 上海市, 上海市 , CN, Shanghai, China
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链轮单车 (8089 m)

浦东新区昌邑路55弄22号, 上海市, 上海市 , CN, Shanghai, China
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TREK瑞虹概念店 (8265 m)

上海市虹口区天宝路280弄瑞虹星星堂L1-24号, shanghai, Shanghai, China
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TREK徐汇滨江旗舰店 (13053 m)

徐汇区瑞平路76号绿地缤纷城,1楼WG-104铺, 地铁7/12号线龙华中路站5号口旁, 上海市, Shanghai, China
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捷安特长宁路店 (14349 m)

长宁区长宁路1475号, 上海市, 上海市 , CN, Shanghai, China
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