Dunaivtsi / bike hire / Bicycle rental

This is the list of bike rental centers/shops that are marked on the Dunaivtsi map. Rent a bicycle, it's a great way to spend an active weekend or make up your mind exactly which bike you want to buy.

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Nearest bike-related points

Магазин "ВелоХаус" (37113 m)

 +380382705750, +380949811750
Украина, Хмельницкая область, Хмельницкий район, Хмельницкий городской совет, Хмельницкий, Центральный микрорайон, улица Героев Майдана, 48, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
  • Parking
  • Bike Shop
  • Repair
  • Rental
Продажа, прокат, ремонт велосипедов. Интернет магазин велосипедов, в котором можно купить велокомпоненты, велосипеды и различные велоаксессуары по лучшим ценам. Быстрая доставка, качественная упаковка, реальное наличие. Доставка товаров по Украине и зарубежью. Велосипеды в Виннице. Лучший выбор и цены.
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Велопрокат "Партнер Тур" (37174 m)

м. Хмельницький, вул. Грушевського 82, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
  • Rental
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Велопрокат (37191 m)

вул. героїв майдану, 10 хмельницький, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
  • Rental
оф. 104
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Магазин "Велоімперія" (37642 m)

Украина, Хмельницкая область, Хмельницкий район, Хмельницкий городской совет, Хмельницкий, Центральный микрорайон, Каменецкая улица, 17, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
  • Parking
  • Bike Shop
  • Repair
  • Rental
Продаж, прокат, ремонт велосипедів та аксесуарів.
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Екстрім Парк (38156 m)

 +380977916048, +380977827872
Вул. Курчатова 6 хмельницький, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
  • Parking
  • Rental
  • Infrastructure
  • BikeFriendly
Скейт Парк Площа 910 кв.м., який включає в себе екстремальні - молоді види спорту такі як: + Скейтбординг - Сектор + BMX - Сектор + Велотріал - Сектор + Ролер - Сектор + Паркур & Фріран - Сектор + Street Workout (Турнікмени) - Сектор + Паралонова яма - Сектор відпрацювання найнебезпечніших стрибків + Dirt jumping - Сектор + Брейк-Данс + …
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Веломагазин "VELOGARAGE" (39804 m)

Хмельницкий. Лесогриневецкая 24, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
  • Parking
  • Bike Shop
  • Repair
  • Rental
Продажа б.у велосипедов из Европы. Продажа велозапчастей и аксессуаров. Прокат велосипедов MTB. Ремонт, обслуживание велосипедов всех типов. Велопарковка для клиентов
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Here are some tips for finding good bike rentals to rent a bicycle:

  1. Look for a rental company that specializes in renting bicycles. These companies will typically have a wide selection of bikes to choose from and will have knowledgeable staff on hand to help you find the right bike for your needs.

  2. Ask for recommendations from friends, family, and other cyclists. They may be able to recommend a rental company that they have had good experiences with in the past.

  3. Look for a rental company that offers a range of bike brands and styles. This will give you more options to choose from and will help ensure that you find a bike that is right for you.

  4. Check online reviews to see what other customers have to say about the rental company. This can give you an idea of the level of service and quality of bikes you can expect from the company.

  5. Visit the rental company in person and talk to the staff. This will give you a chance to see the bikes in person and ask any questions you may have about their features and capabilities.

  6. Consider the location of the rental company. If the company is conveniently located, it will be easy for you to pick up and drop off the bike when you are finished with your rental.

  7. Finally, make sure the rental company is reputable and has a good reputation in the community. You want to choose a company that is trustworthy and will provide high-quality bikes and service.